Finger Lakes Boating Museum

Finger Lakes Boating Museum

May 2022
Square Footage
5822 ft2
Tools Used
AutoCAD, Adobe CC
Model Building
project Details

The Finger Lakes Boating Museum is a community owned museum dedicated to preserving the rich history of boating and boat building in the Finger Lakes. This project respondsed to the museum's need of a new museum hall and explored branding opportunities to increase local exposure. During site visit, the team set a secondary goal of improving the way-finding within the museum area.

Site Visit

Pictures taken during the visit to the museum. The museum has hundreds of launches donated by locals on display. It houses a showroom for the boat restoration and also provides courses for both boat crafting and sailing.

Museum Hall #10

Following images are extracted from the development process of the concept and schematic design for museum hall #10, a warehouse that was unused at the time. The cilent had requested a certain amount of boats and engines to be displayed in this newly proposed space. Based on the existing exhibits and the museum's web presence, a new concept and branding was constructed and then taken into consideration in the schematic design process. This part of the project is individual work.

Floor Plan and Model
*Different iteration of the floorplan for hall #10 and the final model.

My parts of the branding and way-finding design for the Finger Lakes Boating Museum.

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Graphic Representation
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